220 who want you to be a serf of the Government

8 11 2009

So the Pelosi-Monstrosity has passed the House. Here is a list of 220 members of the House who voted for that hideousness: http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2009/roll887.xml#Y. Just remember them when their seats come up for reelection. They should be send back home. Give money to their Conservative opponents, volunteer, do anything so that they lose and we never again see them in Congress.
Next time they should try their luck somewhere else – maybe move to Cuba and run for a Government seat there.

BTW, I am still waiting for the remaining $1000 that Barack Hussein Obama promised me in tax cuts this year (not that I ever believed it).

To all the dopes who voted for Obama and now feel buyer’s remorse: Next time remember not to believe every word that comes out of a politician’s mouth.


News you get from NPR, PBS, NYT, CNN, BBC

17 11 2008

These are the media outlets that Obama voters interviewed in this video get their news from. No wonder then …

Ayers: Obama is my “family friend”

13 11 2008

This is what Chicago Tribune reports today: Bill Ayers: Barack Obama a ‘family friend’.

In a new afterword to his memoir, 1960s radical William Ayers describes himself as a “family friend” of President-elect Barack Obama and writes that the campaign controversy over their relationship was an effort by Obama’s political enemies to “deepen a dishonest narrative” about the candidate.

Ayers describes phone threats and hate e-mail he received during the campaign, and he bemoans Obama’s guilt by association.

During the campaign, Ayers’ friendship with Obama was a favorite subject of conservative bloggers and talk show hosts who insisted the two were closer than the candidate was admitting. Ayers’ new description of the relationship seems to contradict Obama’s statements.

Obama had dismissed Ayers as “a guy who lives in my neighborhood” and “somebody who worked on education issues in Chicago that I know.”

Obama is indeed a very talented individual. He possesses a very exquisite skill to lie without technically lying. And we are a very special country – full of suckers who bought snake oil.

What do you think about Obama’s tax cut promises?

13 11 2008

Obama has promised me $1800 tax cut.

$1800 dollars in tax cuts that Obama has promise me and my family

$1800 in tax cuts that Obama has promised my family

Colonel Gaddafi gives “brother Obama” some advice

10 11 2008

I know, this video is already old (June 11), but it is interesting to watch it now that Obama has been elected.

You can find full transcript at Memri. Here are some of the best quotes (my comments in Blue):

Mu’ammar Al-Qaddafi: “It has been proven that there is no democracy in [the U.S.]. Rather, it is a dictatorship no different than the dictatorships of Hitler, Napoleon, Mussolini, Genghis Khan, Alexander the Great, and the rest of the tyrants. [here he is channeling Rev. Wright and Bernardine Dohrn]

… “There are elections in America now. Along came a black citizen of Kenyan African origins, a Muslim, who had studied in an Islamic school in Indonesia. His name is Obama. [interesting how Gaddafi considers Obama to be a Muslim]

“All the people in the Arab and Islamic world and in Africa applauded this man. They welcomed him and prayed for him and for his success, and they may have even been involved in legitimate contribution campaigns to enable him to win the American presidency.” [it looks like it was really easy to make fraudulent contributions via Obama’s website]

… “But we were taken by surprise when our African Kenyan brother [Obama], who is an American national, made statements that shocked all his supporters in the Arab world, in Africa, and in the Islamic world. [i.e. Obama said some things that Gaddafi did not like]

We hope that this is merely an elections ‘clearance sale,’ as they say in Egypt – in other words, merely an elections lie. As you know, this is the farce of elections – a person lies and lies to people, just so that they will vote for him, and afterwards, when they say to him, ‘You promised this and that,’ he says: ‘No, this was just elections propaganda.’ This is the farce of democracy for you. He says: ‘This was propaganda, and you thought I was being serious. I was fooling you to get your votes.’ [Here Gaddafi might be for once right.]

… “Kennedy was killed [by Israelis] because he insisted on the monitoring of the Dimona [nuclear] plant. This image was undoubtedly on Obama’s mind. He undoubtedly wanted to talk about this [i.e. the need to monitor Dimona], but decided not to.”[…]

… “The thing we fear most is that the black man suffers from an inferiority complex. This is dangerous. If our brother Obama feels that because he is black he doesn’t have the right to rule America, this would be a disaster, because such a feeling would make him act whiter than the white, and go to an extreme in his persecution and degradation of the blacks.

… “We are still hoping that this black man will take pride in his African and Islamic identity, and in his faith, and that [he will know] that he has rights in America, and that he will change America from evil to good, and that America will establish relations that will serve it well with other peoples, especially the Arabs.”

“He is ready to rule” – says Obama’s mouthpiece

10 11 2008

Today we got reassured by Obama’s spokesperson Valerie Jarrett that Obama is “ready to rule from day one”. Was that a Freudian slip, or did we just have elections for a new King?

BTW, looks like Obama wants to return a favor and wants her to take over his Senate seat.

Universal Voluntary Public Service

8 11 2008


Is this what Universal Voluntary Public Service means?

Public service for students — how it worked under Communism

8 11 2008

So our Dear Leader Obama wants students to do 100 hours per year of public service in return for $4000. That is not a bad pay at $40 per hour, so probably many students will be willing to do this (will it include mandatory diversity and social awareness training?).

You can read more about it at BizzyBlog. This is not a new news, it is been on barackobama.com for a long time, but now it has made it to change.gov so maybe our Dear Leader is considering it seriously.

Back, when I was a middle/high school and university student in Communist Eastern Europe we had also had various types of public service. For example:

  • Raking leaves, pulling out weeds, trimming hedges, etc. – Trimming hedges was best, especially if they were taller because you could hide behind them.
  • Planting trees (in forests, on reclaimed garbage dumps, anywhere). – That was hard and boring, and the forestry workers were driving us like slaves.
  • Picking potatoes.  – That was my favorite because we would skip several school days per year, sometimes we got to bake potatoes, and the obligatory rotten potato fights were fun too.
  • Collect scrap metal. – That was also fun, we would go to the other side of our town, sit the whole day at some building site, smoke cigarettes,  and at the end of day we would drag some scrap junk, e.g. an old fridge, all across the town (the would make a lot of noise).
  • Work at a factory doing some menial job. – That was a requirement at university – one would not pass from one year to another without showing a proof of having worked at a factory for month. I did it once. I worked at a copper mine, in the supplies department. Usually, in the 8 hour day, I would do 1 or 2 hours useful work, like e.g. deliver acetylene canisters. The rest of the time I spend locked in the office reading science-fiction books. The useful things that I learned by observation and from stories I heard were: how to steal various things (steel, cable, paint); that although officially illegal, drinking vodka during work hours was common; that if you got caught stealing or drinking vodka, the charges would be dropped if you signed up to be a member of communist Party; how 20 different swear words could be used in 3 sentences describing a hydraulic brake pump; and so on. All these were very important things a young university student had to know to appreciate the life of a worker.
    Other students told similar fun stories of their one month at a factory. My brother was not that lucky though. He worked at a metal factory and cut off the tips of his fingers.
Students picking potatoes

Students picking potatoes

Regarding our Dear Leader’s proposal, here is my suggestion as to what the students should to during those 100 hours — they should do “jobs that Americans will not do“, like picking stawberries and oranges, standing in front of Home Depot, and so on. That would kill two birds with one stone. Students would have their $4000, and illegal immigrants would have to go back to their land of origin for there would be no jobs left for them here.

A look at “Ban gay marriage” propositions

7 11 2008

I think that the support for these propositions was so strong because a lot of people are fed up with liberal morality being imposed on the society as a whole. Here are three examples, related to Prop-8, of such impositions of the liberal morality that have triggered adverse reaction and I think which helped Prop-8 to succeed:

So on the surface these propositions seem to have been a great success:

However, when one looks at how different age groups voted this seems to be a short-lived victory because the younger the voters the more against banning gay marriage they are. For example, here are exit polls for CA.

CA Prop-8 exit poll results (by age)

CA Prop-8 exit poll results (by age)

Other states show the same trends as Prop-8 in California. Probably there is nothing that can be done to reverse this trend. Public education and Hollywood values do bear fruit as far as the attitudes of the young generation are concerned.

Moreover, substandard public education means that this issue can no longer be discussed using rational arguments, which many young would not longer be able to follow. Young people are used to feel about issues rather than think about the issues. It is a pity, because there are excellent arguments why traditional understanding/definition of marriage is good for society as a whole.

Personally, I think that eventually, say in 8 years from now, gay marriage will be legal in the US with all its negative consequences. (I can imagine what “fun” it will be for immigration officials to process K-1 gay fiancé visas and I130 petitions for gay couples.)

So what should (social) conservatives do in the future? I think we should fight for schools and school choice so that our kids have an option to not be indoctrinated with various diversity curricula and other nonsense (which will probably get worse under Obama rule). I pay several thousands of dollars in school taxes. After paying that money in taxes, what I have left is not enough to send even one of my kids to a private school. Fortunately, so far the public school where I live is pretty good. Other parents are not that lucky.

School choice is one issue to which black voters have been receptive in the past, so maybe there is some hope for change. Although, I suspect that president Obama wants to have tight grip on the education of our children. One sign of this is his “Service program” as highlighted on change.gov:

Integrate Service into Learning

  • Expand Service-Learning in Our Nation’s Schools: Obama and Biden will set a goal that all middle and high school students do 50 hours of community service a year. They will develop national guidelines for service- learning and will give schools better tools both to develop programs and to document student experience. Green Job Corps: Obama and Biden will create an energy-focused youth jobs program to provide disadvantaged youth with service opportunities weatherizing buildings and getting practical experience in fast-growing career fields.
  • Expand YouthBuild Program: Obama and Biden will expand the YouthBuild program, which gives disadvantaged young people the chance to complete their high school education, learn valuable skills and build affordable housing in their communities. They will grow the program so that 50,000 low-income young people a year a chance to learn construction job skills and complete high school.
  • Require 100 Hours of Service in College: Obama and Biden will establish a new American Opportunity Tax Credit that is worth $4,000 a year in exchange for 100 hours of public service a year.
  • Promote College Serve-Study: Obama and Biden will ensure that at least 25 percent of College Work-Study funds are used to support public service opportunities instead of jobs in dining halls and libraries.

A look at young and minority vote

6 11 2008

Here are the CNN exit poll results in the Age and Race category.

2008 exit poll -- vote by age an race (CNN)

2008 exit poll -- vote by age an race (CNN)

This shows some interesting things.

  • The young white vote for Obama is not that huge (54% to 44%). There is hope for these people. They have not tasted the Carter era, so they did not realize what they were voting for.
  • The “Vote by Age” table at CNN provides more detailed split of the young vote (18-24, and 25-29). Both these groups show 66% vote for Obama. Seemingly there was not much difference in the voting behavior of those two smaller age goups.
  • The black vote was the same for Obama irrespective of age – nothing interesting or unexpected here.
  • What is interesting is the Latino vote. It shows clearly that the younger the Latino voters were, the more “Hope” they put in Obama.
  • Just the Latino 18-29 voting group alone gave Obama an advantage of more than 2mln votes over McCain by voting 76% for Obama against 19% for McCain.
  • Compared to 2004 election 3% fewer white voters voted (74% in 2008 vs. 77% in 2004). The black vote grew by 2% and the Latino by 1%.

UPDATE: here is a link to Michelle Malkin’s post from July’08: How much to buy off the Latino vote?

So what is my take on these numbers.

  • I think Obama will definitely get an amnesty passed for illegal immigrants. With the estimated number of the illegal immigrants over 10mln (some estimates up to 20mln), I guess that would give him at least 3mln votes. When the amnesty happens will depend on what timing would be most useful for the reelections. If he does it too early, it may spoil the effect in the number of votes it would give him in 2012 — people would forget to be “thankful” if some other issues come up before amnesty and 2012 elections.  If he does it too late, that would anger some Latino voters who hoped for early amnesty.
    One problem with this theory is that most of the illegal immigrants are in CA and that state is already in the hands of Democrats. The second state, Texas probably has too few illegal immigrants to swing it to Democrat as McCain won TX over Obama by almost 1mln votes.
  • Everything in Obama’s (and his wife’s career) so far shows that he wants the state to indoctrinate kids in public schools and other programs. For example, Obama’s admitted connections with Ayers are precisely in the field of education and youth programs. Ayers hates any form of education other than public schools. We will see if Obama shares the same views.
    Obama and his friends will fight hard for the minds of the young generation of future voters.

Let me finish with a video that shows an example of Liberal indoctrination/bullying of young school kids. (It is from a documentary about US elections made by Finnish TV.)